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Hey awesome Stream Watcher. Here's a full list of all Commands to use on my TWITCH CHANNEL with HeXxXuS_Bot; my chatbot and personal assistant.
NOTE: You're free to watch my live streams on any platform I multi-stream to but if you're interested in earning HeXoS, using custom commands, winning prizes and much more then consider watching my streams on Twitch. My commands and my bot were configured to work with Twitch so head over there for the full HV^Z Live Stream experience.

Brings up the COMMANDS master list. {This list}

Brings up the ABOUT command list with facts about all things HV^Z.

Brings up the BRANDS command list with info on all HV^Z Studios Brands.

Brings up the CHANNEL command list with all channel stats and more.

Brings up the CURRENCY command list so you can get your mind on your money and your money on your mind.

Brings up the LIVESTREAM command list to see all stats for the current livestream.

Brings up the MINI-GAMES command list for you to play cool mini-games for currency.

Brings up the FUN command list with some cool stuff for you to check out.

Brings up the INTERACTION command list so you can interact with me or other viewers.

Brings up the REACTION command list for you to react to various events and interactions from other viewers.

Brings up the SOUNDBOARD command list for you to use soundboard sounds with commands on stream.

Brings up the LORE command list for you to learn about the V^Z Universe.

Brings up the INBOX commands list for you to send things like complaints, applications, suggestions and more directly to my inbox.

Brings up the VIEWER STATS command list for you to see stats about you, the viewer!.

Brings up the SUPPORT command list for you to learn how you can support the channel, the V^Z Project and learn what cool perks/rewards you can earn for helping out.

Brings up the SHOP command list with store links for you to check out our cool merch.

Brings up the SOCIAL MEDIA command list for you to follow HaXxXo VtotheZ everywhere else.

Brings up the MUSIC command list with links for you to listen to and buy HaXxXo VtotheZ music.

Brings up the SPONSORS command list for you to check out some cool stuff from some of our sponsors.

Brings up the COMMUNITY command list with links to all HV^Z-created communities you can join.

Brings up the Marketing command list for you to learn about how you can help promote the channel as a part of the HV^Z HYPE SQUAD. {MODS ONLY}

Brings up the MANAGING command list for you to learn about what you can do to help the stream as a MOD. {MODS ONLY}

Brings up the MODERATING command list for you to learn how to lay the smackdown. {MODS ONLY}
Check out all of these and more commands on my STREAMLABS page Since there are too many commands to list here and because I keep adding new commands.
You can also download all my commands from Google Docs if you prefer.