Does anyone else feel that type of negativity that seems to come from all angles?
Like, right when you think things are going fine...they don't?
Well, I struggle with that...a lot.
It seems to be that people are usually out for themselves and rarely like to support others unless there is some benefit for them. For example, I recently went in business with some people that said they would help my music career. In reality I have not seen one benefit from them and often feel it's because I might not be talented enough or because of some other issue with me.
Then it hit me...
That's when I realized that it was because I was not providing any type of benefit to them.
It's not in their best interest to help me if I cannot financially help them.
I mean, sure. There aren't a lot of music artists that can figure out how to work their DVD players let alone make a website and run it along with social media and everything else to promote themselves. Most artists have other people to cook, clean, manage and maintain their lives and even apparently post pictures for them on Instagram and Facebook.
I guess I'm just different.
Apparently I need to accept that and so should you.
Never believe that you are not good enough for something just because someone else is not there to carry you. Your worth is based on you, not how others perceive you.
This is why I'm determined. I'm tired of putting in more effort to get less than other people just because they need their hand held.
I've never been given anything that I didn't deserve and I don't ever expect it.
I need to do it myself and realize that the only person who will ever be responsible for my success will be me and me alone.