Check Out My Latest Project
The V^Z Project
The V^Z Project is a subscription and rewards model created by HaXxXo VtotheZ. after reviewing hundreds of other content creators for how they rewarded their supporters, HaXxXo VtotheZ experimented with various models and decided on an exclusive program to reward supporters based on various subscription levels unlike any other content creator has in the history of content creation.
The V^Z Project aims to reward supporters of all HV^Z Studios content by offering more than what most content creators offer their supporters. WIth a highly detailed and customized rewards system, supporters can choose the rewards that interest them based on whether they want to support HV^Z Music on Bandcamp, HV^Z Gaming on Twitch, HeXxXuS_Bot Development on mee6, Official Discord Server development or by supporting all HV^Z Studios brands and content with a single discounted subscription through Patreon, SubscribeStar or here on the Official Website.
To learn more about how the V^Z Project works and to see the full list of rewards then check out the support page.
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